Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the University of Vienna have developed a light-field laser imaging system that generates 3D movies of entire brains at a millisecond timescale to create a complete “living” brain map. ترتيب البوكر ...
The FDA has published an updated Guidance Agenda – new and revised draft guidances CDER is planning to publish during calendar year 2012. Guidances of particular interest to nonclinical pharmaceutical toxicologists may include: Pharmacology/Toxicology •...
The objective of a recent survey by Cambridge Health Associates was to identify trends in safety biomarkers and their utilization in drug development. casino888 Regardless of company size, recurrent themes for assessing drug safety in early preclinical development...
An innovative Procedure Cage invented by Dr. lunette securo vision Ryoichi Nagata, SNBL USA chairman, is at the center of a comprehensive program designed to significantly raise standards for non-human primate (NHP) care and thereby improve the quality of preclinical...
Ever wanted to know the ins and outs of almost every drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration since 1939? قوانين البوكر By using the Drugs@FDA database, you can search for information about FDA-approved brand name and generic drugs and therapeutic biological...