TigerTox: Mechanistic Ion Channel Screening for #Drug Discovery http://bit. بوكر عربي ly/IonChannelScreens #in #pharma #neuro #toxicology #drug safety #ion
TigerTox: 2011 Women In Science and Technology (WIST) Conference: http://lnkd.in/hFyhPE
TigerTox: 2030 – The Future of Healthcare in Europe | Janssen http://bit. ivermectin evidence ly/2030EuropeanHealthcare #in #pharma RT @pauldixey @PortNawak
TigerTox: World’s top-selling drugs in 2014 vs 2010 | Reuters http://reut. كيف تربح المال من الانترنت rs/2014TopDrugs #in #pharma #drug
TigerTox: M&A Has Failed to Build Value for Pharma http://bit. العاب اندرويد ly/ValueOfMandA #in #pharma #drug
TigerTox: RT @PredictInVitro: Looking to improve your efficacy and predictive toxicology? Case studies: http://invitro-models. الكزينو com/