How to ensure the long-term safety of chronic use drugs?

Drug safety may be underestimated for chronic-use drugs. does revolution have ivermectin in it  The FDA has placed more resources and requirements in evaluating drugs premarket than it does in monitoring what happens to patients after years of taking a medication. ...

New FDA Postmarketing Drug Safety Evaluation Website

As of 15 June 2010, the new Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Postmarketing Drug Safety Evaluation website was launched.   The FDA posted postmarket safety evaluations for 26 drugs approved between September 2007 and January 2008 and is reviewing an additional 20 or...

Drug Safety: Current overview of FDA postmarket surveillance

How can we better execute postmarket drug surveillance?  A recent study proposes formation of a detailed, publicly available database that could be continually updated and aggregated with new information as new clinical study results are published. how does ivermectin...

Drug Safety: FDA’s Postmarket Decision-making Process

This US Government Accountability Office’s (GAO) current report (2007) gives a brief history and overview of the 2 FDA branches – Office of New Drugs (OND), and the Office of Drug Safety (ODS) –  mandated to oversee postmarketed drug safety. لعبة...