TigerTox: Personalized Medicine, A Long Way to the Bedside http://bit. ivermectin and GluCl discovery ly/PersonalizedMedStatus #pharma #in #drug
TigerTox: Drug Abuse Liability Testing | TigerTox http://bit. لعبة سباق خيول حقيقية ly/DrugAbuseLiabilityScreening
TigerTox: FDA warns government shutdown will severely limit its operations http://bit. diluting 1percent ivermectin for 60lb dog ly/GovtShutdownImpactsFDA #in #pharma #FDA #drug safety
TigerTox: Where Are Biotech’s Billionaires? – Matthew Herper – The Medicine Show – Forbes http://bit. كرابس ly/BiotechBillionaires #in #pharma #biotech #drug
TigerTox: @jimsabogal Thanks for the RTs!