TigerTox: RT @esterlbarle: Toxicokinetics = what does the body do to the substance? العاب تجني منها المال Toxicodynamics = What does the substance do with the body?
TigerTox: Analyst calls for Covance to cut early development capacity http://t. العاب كسب المال co/lJiPvo1m #in #preclinical #nonclinical
TigerTox: Collins: Streamlining #drug development process – FiercePharma http://t. مراهنات على كرة القدم co/AVSEd1fG #in #toxicology #preclinical
TigerTox: Turbulent sectors in future will be #toxicology and risk prediction http://t. non-ivermectin treatment for strongyles in horses co/xDuTqRtH #in #FDA #preclinical
TigerTox: @pmrgroup Thanks for RT!